1. I am the representative of my Lodge and of all Freemasons. Whatever I do or say reflects directly upon myself and my fellow Freemasons…
Author: Rob Hanson
One of our Master’s Charities is the masonic Charitable Trust. They have a release a video summarising their first year.
BEFORE MEMORISING ANY PART OF THE RITUAL OR A LECTURE 1. Learn to read the ritual or lecture fluently without hesitating. 2. Check with one…
Education has always been closely linked with Masonry, and is still a very important part of it. In fact, Masonry and education cannot be separated,…
by William R. Punt, PGM “In preparing for these brief comments on the Philosophy of Freemasonry, I asked myself, ‘Just how does a person go about…
by Bro. William A. Carpenter From a “Masonic Culture” handbook issued by the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania we have extracted several items which came…
Why do Masons wear an apron?, and what is its significance? Our Order is founded on Operative Masonry, and operative Masons in common with most…
Every good History begins with a legend and Nisi Dominus has one! It is said that Nell Gwyn used her considerable charms to persuade King…
The young men seeking admission and being accepted into our lodges today are not joining the Craft simply to discover the ‘quaint and curious stuff’…
With the advent of WW2 in September 1939 the Government issued a directive to prevent large numbers of casualties from bombing attacks, gatherings of people…
The great poet William Blake once wrote, in his Auguries of Innocence “To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in…
I heard three knocks at the Temple door And then it was opened wide. I felt the grip of a Masons hand As I slowly…
by Bird H. Dolby, PGHP THE ROYAL ARCH MASON WINTER 1964 In the Winter 1963 issue of THE ROYAL ARCH MASON magazine there is…
At the making of a Freemason, considerable pains are taken to impress the candidate with two things in particular, which are finally pin-pointed in the…
Why do Freemasons use the Forget Me not as a symbol?
There are any sides to Freemasonry, one key aspect of Freemasonry is visiting other lodges and workings. Once a Mason has been initiated into Freemasonry…
As an Entered Apprentice Mason, in Emulation Ritual, we are taught about the various tools of a Mason. The fisrts of which is the 24…
by Dennis A. Coltart, P.M. Today, I will contemplate my presence here on earth and that my Creator has a purpose for my existence which may…
For many Masons, there most treasured possesion is their Master Mason’s Apron. They earnt it, worked hard for and proud to wear it. The design…